Section 1. The Vice-President shall be elected to a one-year term in odd-numbered years. Nominations for the office of Vice-President may be submitted to the Board of Directors by any voting member of the Association. All requisite paperwork (nomination form, letter of acceptance and letters of endorsement) must be on file before the nomination will be considered by the Board of Directors. Two candidates will then be selected by the Board of Directors for consideration in the election.
Section 2. The President, President-Elect, Past President, and Board Member due to succession, shall assume their respective positions, for a two-year term in even numbered years
Change to:
Section 1. The Vice-President shall be elected to a one-year term. Nominations for the office of Vice-President may be submitted to the Board of Directors by any voting member of the Association. All requisite paperwork (nomination form, letter of acceptance and letters of endorsement) must be on file before the nomination will be considered by the Board of Directors. Two candidates will then be selected by the Board of Directors for consideration in the election.
Section 2. The President, President-Elect, Past President, and Board Member due to succession, shall assume their respective positions, for a two-year term upon entering office.
Section 3. Under extreme and/or unforeseen circumstances, the Board of Directors may extend the term of office to ease the transition of leadership when the organization has been prevented from meeting in public (aka: COVID-19 Pandemic Clause).